Find the Right FOV for Your Practice

Find the Right FOV for Your Practice

Find the Right FOV for Your Practice

In the world of dental imaging, choosing the right Field of View (FOV) for your CBCT scans is a pivotal decision that can significantly impact both diagnostics and budget considerations. Understanding the nuances of FOV options can empower you to make informed choices tailored to your practice's unique needs. Let's review the FOV’s and help you find the right fit for your practice.

Decoding FOV: (Small, Medium, and Large)

  1. Small FOV: Precision in focus, the small FOVs, such as 4x6 and 5x5, emerge as ideal choices for focused applications. This precision is particularly invaluable for targeted assessments, whether it involves a meticulous evaluation of a particular tooth, an in-depth exploration of the upper and lower jaw, or a focused analysis of specific anatomical structures. 
  2. Medium FOV: When it comes to comprehensive imaging of the entire mouth structure, the 8x8 FOV stands out as the gold standard. Ranging from 8x8 to 12x15, medium FOVs like these strike the perfect balance between detail and coverage. Widely adopted for full mouth imaging, they cater to various clinical applications, ensuring a holistic view of dental health.
  3. Large FOV: Reserved for specialized assessments, large FOVs (10x10 or larger) delve into territories like TMJ evaluations, sleep studies, and ceph extractions. With the capability to unravel elaborate diagnostics, these FOVs play a crucial role in providing detailed images for complex cases, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of anatomical structures.

Navigating the Decision: Balancing Budget and Diagnostics

In the realm of dental CBCT, it's a well-established principle that the larger size of the FOV directly correlates with the system's cost. Therefore, choosing the right FOV involves a delicate dance between diagnostic requirements and budget constraints.

Consider your practice's specific needs and financial parameters when making this decision. A thoughtful approach ensures that you not only meet the diagnostic demands of your practice but also do so in a financially prudent manner.

Tailoring FOVs to Specific Dental Specialities

  1. Implantology Precision: For practitioners delving into implant planning, a smaller FOV, such as 5x5 or 8x8, is the key to unlocking detailed images focused on the area of interest. Leading units like the Carestream 9000 or Gendex GXDP 700 offer versatile FOV options, providing a spectrum of diagnostic capabilities tailored to implant assessments.
  2. Endodontic and Periodontics: In the realms of endodontics and periodontics, a medium to large FOV (8x8 to 15x15) is the canvas for comprehensive evaluations. Units like the Sirona Galileos, Planmeca Classic, and NewTom Go shine in delivering detailed images, essential for intricate root canal assessments and periodontal examinations.
  3. TMJ and Airway Assessment: Unlocking the mysteries of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) assessments requires a large FOV (10x10 or larger) or unique patient positioning. Units such as the Carestream 9300, NewTom Giano, and ICATs stand out in providing detailed images covering TMJ and airway structures, enabling thorough diagnostic evaluations.
  4. Orthodontic Insights: Orthodontic practices demand specialized FOVs with attached Ceph capabilities. Larger FOVs, including the iCAT FLX V17 and Planmeca Mid, along with those exceeding 15x15, offer invaluable insights into orthodontic cases, supporting comprehensive assessments crucial for treatment planning.

Investing in Precision

Understanding your practice's unique needs is the compass that guides you through the plethora of FOV options. A strategic investment in the right technology ensures that your diagnostic capabilities align seamlessly with your practice goals. By finding the perfect FOV, you pave the way for enhanced patient outcomes and contribute to the evolution of dental care. Dental imaging is where precision meets technology, the journey to finding the right FOV is a testament to your commitment to excellence.

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